Wednesday 10 April 2013

Being Busy.

Writing this post is not a wise decision, by math anyway. By math, I should go to bed like... yesterday. Instead, I'm on my computer, but I think it might not be so bad. Maybe in all of the craziness that is this week, time to unwind is more important than sleep? (To give some context - I am finishing my thesis, I have my thesis defense in three days, a 100 page curriculum unit due the same day as my 50 page thesis, three exams, and another major paper. All due in the next 14 days. And I have to close up dorm. So, to put it mildly, I've been a bit stressed. Mostly about the thesis defense - presentations aren't my thing.)

But some good things happened. I finished the rough draft of my major paper, I almost completed my unit, and I made my presentation way better, and it turns out, I have the first four slides memorized. Who knew?! I also was craving chocolate, and guess what showed up two minutes later, in the form of a thank-you from a neighbor for editing his paper! That was pretty awesome. Then I did devos, and showered, and now I'm blogging while watching random videos.

Why am I sharing this, you ask? Because I tend to focus on my physical needs as coming before my soul needs. I tend to get busy - very busy - and the Bible stays in the same place, untouched, for a few days. I tend to pray, but not with full attention, not with the adoration and reliance on God that He deserves. Business can suck away good intentions and prioritized lists.

Fight this.

Feed your spirit; feed your soul.

Maybe I just needed that hug I got. I definitely needed that time with God, and this blogging thing is so relaxing... Maybe, just maybe, this is more important than sleep.

Maybe I'll regret this decision in seven hours when my alarm goes off.

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