Sunday 17 March 2013

Be grateful.

It is 2 a.m. (well, 1:58 to be precise).

I think strange things at night, when my dorm is sleeping... all is dark and quiet. As I finished up homework and finally started to ready for bed, I somehow started to think about what my thoughts will be at the end of this school year. In seven short weeks (although I know at times they will feel long), my B.A., my time in dorm - it will be over. I'm back at Redeemer for a final year to finish my second degree, my B.Ed., but it won't be the same. I have cherished my time here. It has been fun. It has been hard. It has been laughter, and tears, and growth.

So, when I am finished this season, what will I think?

I think my thoughts will sound something like this: "To my Dorm 28 girls - Thank you. Thank you for being part of my journey and letting me be part of yours. We walked through some really tough stuff, but we never walked alone, supported by each other and by our Heavenly Father who unites us. We cried  We laughed. A lot! The sound of your laughter is precious to me. I feel incredibly honored to have been a part of it all. You have all taught and grown and blessed me in very unique ways, and I love you. To my roommate of four years - where to even begin? We've lived together long enough that you can probably predict the words out of my mouth better than I can. So rather than attempt it, know that I love you beyond words and that you have been a true expression of Christ's love to me on innumerable occasions. Insert a whole ton of laughter, some tears, and a ridiculous amount of inside jokes that are funny to us but probably so stupid to everyone else, and you pretty much have it. Thank you so much for being the incredible friend that you are. To my neighbors, thank you - we had so much fun! I promise to not steal anymore oven doors, although the blame for that still lies squarely on Mel. To my friends, to everyone in this community that has made these four years so special, thank you. How blessed am I!"

This reflection on future reflections may seem a bit odd, but as I was thinking about it, I realized that thinking now about thinking in the future about thinking back (make sense of that, I dare you!) makes me see God's faithfulness, His love, and His innumerable blessings over not only this year, but all four years. I have been stretched and grown in leadership, in character, in trust, in faith, and in friendship, and Redeemer has been a huge part of it. I'm so glad that I'm not leaving for good quite yet.

This is a pretty long and sappy post, but it is a reminder to me. Be grateful. Live in the moment. God has given you that moment for a reason. These thoughts come after a week containing struggle and sadness as a family member suffered a loss. These thoughts come before a week in which my far-too-full agenda threatens to punch me in the face. Still - in this particular moment, I choose to be filled with gratitude for the wonderful people and experiences that God has blessed me with, and although a mountain of assignments looms directly in front of me, perilous and frightening, I still know I am blessed. The mountain is, in itself, a blessing. How can I not be thankful - the love of my Heavenly Father overwhelms me!

So I am grateful.

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