Tuesday 25 February 2014

On transitions.

(c) Sarah Kuipers
I handed in my last assignment today.
I wrote my last exam.
I've had my last class.
I'm packing everything up from this school for the last time.
Anything other 'lasts' that come to my mind just sound mushy and extreme.

I am starting to really dislike the word 'last.'

When people ask how it feels, this is usually my reaction "Weeeeird. It feels very strange."

I know, not very articulate. But I'm still having a hard time putting my finger on it. It's another one of those things that make you feel two completely opposite things at once. I feel proud of the fact that coursework is done. And I will NOT miss writing exams or essays. And I am very much looking forward to placement.

But, I love my school. I have so many wonderful friends here. I love and am loved. I belong. And I will miss it.

(c) Sarah Kuipers
I am blessed.

I'm also scared. When you are preschool, your next bunch of years, you just know, are going to be in school. When you are in high school, you're pretty sure you have four years of college/university ahead of you. But right now? I don't have a clue what's next. So I'm scared.

But I'm not in charge of my life (thank goodness); the Creator is.

I am blessed.

This is my choice. I will be sad. I will cry, most likely, when I say bye. But, my decision, the choice I make, is to thank my Father for the blessings. Innumerable blessings.

Blessing my finances every year, faithfully, so I could keep coming back.
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful friends and peers.
(c) Sarah Kuipers
A great program that has equipped me for my future career as an educator.
Fantastic, caring profs.
Opportunities to be involved.
Spiritual growth.

And most of all, the knowledge that my God will be faithful to me in the future, as He is in the present and has been in the past.

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