Tuesday 16 July 2013



It's been on my mind a lot lately.

First, because I was thinking about how what we see now are glimpses of truth.

It puts things into perspective.

Not having a morning coffee? Not so important when you consider eternity. Sister borrowed something without asking? A friend posted an unattractive pic on Facebook? A bit less important when you consider that "we are a vapor."

Heaven is beauty perfected, to a level we cannot even fathom.
The kind of beauty that makes you cry.

Heaven is relationship perfected, with God and man.
The kind of relationship that makes you whole.

Heaven is learning, and discovering, and worshiping.

Learning perfected.

Discovering perfected.

Worshiping perfected.

I used to think that heaven was singing and harp playing with the angels. And that was it. I thought it would be boring.

The more I learn of God, of myself, of Scripture.... the more I'm convinced that it's not like that.

Heaven, ultimately, is my perfected self, as a child of God, being in perfect Unity, perfect Relationship, with the Holy One.

Tozer once wrote that we will be ourselves in heaven. I love children here, so how much fun will I have with the little ones that God brought home early. I love studying, but instead of books I will be able to ask Augustine  about the early church. I can ask Moses what it was like leading a whole nation across the desert and through a sea. I can ask John what it was like to follow Jesus in the flesh... How amazing!

How amazing to sit at the feet of Jesus and see His warm smile that I only feel now, but someday shall see! How incredible to have perfect communion with the Holy Spirit and to experience the glory and perfect Love of the Father!

On Thursday, as I discussed what heaven would be like with a friend, another family was finding out that their son, brother, and friend was killed in an accident.

He is sitting at the feet of Jesus. He is experiencing that love.

He is in perfect Unity with God. He knows the glory now that we can only guess at.

And someday, we will join him. In Perfection.

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