Monday 10 June 2013

Reflections of Truth.

Walk with me on a little journey, would you? A figurative one, one of thoughts rather than movement, but a journey none the less.

A journey that begins with Truth. With Creation. With a Creator.

First, Truth. This word, spelled with a capital 'T,' is becoming my favorite word for representing the spiritual, God, heaven, righteousness, et cetera. Truth is all that is perfectly good and right. Perfect. Not improve-able.

As an artist starting a design on a project, what is your first step? A sketch? Not quite. First, you need to know the purpose of your project. Therefore, as a Creator designing a universe, don't you think God did the same thing?

And if His purpose was to glorify Himself, the Ultimate Truth, would modeling earth after heaven not be a wonderful way to start, a brilliant design concept?

At the next step on this journey, having started with the idea that Truth is the Ultimate right-ness, and that it cannot be improved upon and therefore is the model for all things that are to reflect that Truth, we come to the realization that Earth, therefore, must reflect heaven. So often, we look at societal constructs, at tradition, at humanities structures, and say, Well, that is just the way it has been for all time." Question for you, though: do you think these structures, like marriage, and family, and the church, and even the human body, just occurred at random? Or because God thought that they would work well?

Or did they occur because when God put those structures into place, He was modeling Truth?

Perhaps, just perhaps, all of these things in this 'natural' life we life, have something greater than their function... perhaps, just like us, these forms were created by the Creator, to glorify Him, to reflect His Truth.

Let's examine this a bit further. I believe that on earth, we can see glimpses of this Truth. That when you have  had a time of true worship, or an encouraging and uplifting conversation with a friend, or have seen the church pull together to support someone in need, that those are glimpses of God's kingdom in its perfection. "For now we see as through a glass, darkly." Until just recently, I didn't really think of the natural order of things as reflecting the spiritual order of God's kingdom.

Marriage reflects the relationship between Christ and His church. Family reflects the church which reflects the spiritual truths of unity and relationship and diverse functions that we see in God's relationship with the church, the angels, and us. Even the human body reflects these same truths. Kingdoms on earth, such as David's rule in the Old Testament, reflect Truth as well. We can see the concept of one being having authority, by right, to rule - those kingdoms in which the king reflected God were ones in which the rule carried both judgement and mercy, authority and love. Just like God's kingdom.

Truth - the way God meant things to be, in all of its perfection.

Does this not give us a greater responsibility then, to take these models of perfection in which we were placed, and in Christ's strength, to carry out His mandate, His purpose, in every aspect? To work out His Truth in our marriages, our family, and our churches?

1 Peter 5:10 
And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. 

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